Sunday, March 6, 2011

Infinite Health Dragon Age Origins Xbox

meters weeks

pure spring fever.

The brilliant sunshine at the weekend was a bit deceptive. Of course, the handle went into my closet now to the short pants. What was somewhat premature. Because of the icy wind showed me very quickly that I had reached into his pants length next to it. Of course I let him notice not. It's a tough guy.





Since early April the Heidelberg Half Marathon the perfect start to a "better future" should be, is announced as a lot of altitude training. Actually it is in our region do not run around drumm mountainous, but there are also more extreme passages. My friend Martin and I are constantly on the lookout for such increases. And we usually find them. This week I was the first time over 50 kilometers on the road constantly. Approximately 1,200 meters have had to endure my knees and calves there. And I can not believe they have hardly resisted.


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